Logo of butcher shop Keller

Quality guarantee

As a certified butcher's shop, our mission includes not only safety and trust, but also the best quality. Namely that we, as one of the last city butchers in Zurich, produce the best meat and sausage products for our customers according to old recipes and traditional butchery.

For example, the original Wiedikerli "Wiediker Rostbratwurst", which we produce daily from fresh Swiss meat with fresh ingredients and sell directly from our store counter, online store or restaurant. The quality is checked and tested daily by our experts. Only first-class products leave the factory after quality control. "Keller's controlled quality guarantee"

Image of butcher shop cellar transporter

Transparency and sustainability

Meat and sausage products from the local butcher are more in demand than ever, the reason for this is a high demand for, fresh and healthy meat quality, traditional and produced according to the butcher's craft. At the heart of the Keller butchery is animal welfare as well as transparency and traceability back to the farmer. Today, the customer wants to know where the meat comes from, so we procure our raw materials from Recognized Certified Producers.

Sustainability and ecology are therefore an integral part of our sustainability strategy, such as short transport routes through local businesses, CO2 neutral delivery through deliveries with electric vehicles in the city of Zurich, and we also promote plastic reduction through our open sales at the counter "Shop Manesse and Jelmoli Food Market". We also strive to reduce food waste by 50% through the daily fresh production of meat and sausage products. The remaining food surpluses are collected free of charge by the institution Too good to go. Food is a matter of the heart for Metzgerei Keller.

Logo of Swiss Black Angus

Meat origin

Metzgerei Keller processes only first-class Swiss meat quality for the sausage products as well as for the homemade specialties. Besides Swiss Premium Natura beef, veal and pork we offer pure Swiss beef in premium quality like; Swiss Black Angus or Suisse Limousine in wet-aging or dry-aging quality. Also we offer a wide range of certified Prime Beef like; "Filet, Entrecote, Ribeye, Tomahawks or Porterhouse" from all over the world. USA "US Beef Angus" , Canada "Bison", Ireland "Hereford&Black-Angus", Argentina, Australia "Wagyu Beef Jacks Creek", Spain "Cow from Galicia", Finland "Sashi Beef", Japan "Kagoshima Wagyu Beef" and many more.

Chicken and turkey meat come from Switzerland in Suisse Garantie or Ribelmais free range quality. But also best poultry specialties from France belong to the Metzgerei Keller offer. The origin is always indicated on the product.